The Studio, a Birthday and a Goat, September 27, 2016

Today was the "Birthdate of Calvin". It was strange not to be in the States today to celebrate Calvin. Today was also the day of the goat. First, I saw a video on the tram about the man who spent time with goats in the country. It made me think about Movie Frank and the movies we have seen over the years at the CIFF with goats. I then received my Cinematheque email about the movies they would be showing over the weekend. Nuts! (a movie about a quack doctor in the 1920's who thought he could cure male impotence by implanting goat testicles) would be showing. It was a goat kind of day.

Tuesday was also a good day at the studio. I felt like I was starting to figure things out which meant I needed to make a trip to Gerstacker Dresden a very large, beautiful art store. I needed to purchase four cheap frames for their Plexi glass to use as the base for my images for the plates. Things are moving along.


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